Our Story

three boys and four girls, we are the "real brothers and sisters!" California raised children, we are the products of the two most interesting people, cathy and dave warner. although all of us were raised the same, we have 7 completely different personalities. our lives are filled with challenge, joy, romance, divorce, chaos, failures, success, and parenthood. we are american life today.

sean the oldest is the leader and true example. he and robin have been married for 20 years and have 6 amazing kids. living in arizona has made their lives a little easier and fun. surviving the fire of his business, he is slowly building his company back to what it was.

jared is an amazing musician and drafsman. married to an only child, heather, they share 2 boys and 2 girls. jared has been working on keeping his marriage alive, and providing the support his family needs, while continuing to have some fun!

loyalty to his work and family have made christian successful in life. his wife dori is the love of his life and they also share 2 boys and 2 girls. living the american dream is their success.

danielle the first girl has been treated like royalty her whole life only to be humble about it now. 34 year old mother of 5 , she is a compulsive house decorator, constanly changing what she likes and wants. luckily her ever so patient husband jon loves her for it.

divorced for 8 years whitney has struggled with the religion she grew up knowing. she has lived in hollywood, studied in milan, and is working on starting a fashion business of her own. she's looking to settle down again and start a family.

ashley the quiet one, sometimes feels like an outsider, but is anything but. she is very loyal to those she loves and was blessed with the biggest heart ever. Divorced for a year now she is loving dating and finding herself again.

jillian the baby has had it good her whole life. she and todd have a 4 year old girl and almost 2 year old little boy. she is a talented interior designer and has the most amazing style. she has had to take a step back in life while her husband attends law school.



We are still talking about prop 8?

'The California Supreme Court yesterday upheld Proposition 8's ban on same-sex marriage but also ruled that gay couples who wed before the election will continue to be married under state law.The decision virtually ensures another fight at the ballot box over marriage rights for gays. Gay rights activists say they may ask voters to repeal the marriage ban as early as next year, and opponents have pledged to fight any such effort. Proposition 8 passed with 52% of the vote.'

John and Ken KFI 640

What do you all think? Is this over or just begining! I think they will keep fighting for these rights until they die.

much appreciation

well guys, Monday was very rewarding for Gordon and me. We appreciate so much all the willingness and hard work that came from our family. we missed those that weren't able to be there, but formed great new memories with those that were. as most of you know there are many trials that come when fixing up a house, so we cant thank you enough for helping to ease those trials for a short time! I'm so thankful that i have such a amazing family, brothers and sisters, in-laws, nieces and nephews, and of course parents and grandma that are supportive of me and now gordon. we love you all so much and will be posting pictures soon!



i am VERY happy to report that Californians beat the governments efforts to pass 5 outrageous propositions on Tuesday. Prop F passed, but that's okay because the other 5 didn't. Now they are pointing their fingers at the people saying that we don't really understand and that now we will suffer.

Well i say lets get rid of them and start over. Let our state file bankruptcy, let them pay for their actions, the same way we do as children when we make a bad choice! I hope more than anything that the US government does not decide to bail them out. We don't need a slap on the wrist, we need a slap in the face.

The new update on the budget crisis is this:
'Governor Schwarzenegger is considering a budget plan that would hit poor people and college students the hardest. It would end the state's main welfare program. Health insurance for low-income families would also be axed, so would a grant system that helps students go to college.'

What do you think?

I was listening to John and Ken last night and they said that this idea is great because all the poor people collecting these benefits will move out of the state and go collect somewhere else like Texas or Arizona! Sounds good to me!

Good luck state of California! I'm glad I work for a private sector!


no, no, no, no, no, no

for anyone that lives in California MUST vote in tomorrows election. Do you know what you are voting for? Cobalt and Shampoo (what I call them) aka John and Ken from KFI have been informing californians for months now. PLEASE take the time to read these propositions. Its insane what Arnold is trying to do. I could sit here and rip on our state government and what it has turned into but I dont have the will to sit here for an hour and type.

I feel outraged that they are trying to raise our taxes yet again. So please do your part and stop the taxes!

John and Ken’s Special Election Voter GuideThe election is May 19th. Vote 'No' early and often!

Proposition 1A-VOTE NO
State Budget. Changes California Budget Process. Limits State Spending. Increases "Rainy Day" Budget Stabilization Fund. This is the 2 year tax increase!

Proposition 1B-VOTE NO
Education Funding. Payment Plan. “Payoff” to Teachers Union

Proposition 1C-VOTE NO
Lottery Modernization Act. No more borrowing schemes!

Proposition 1D-VOTE NO
Protects Children's Services Funding. Helps Balance State Budget. This feeds the spending beast

Proposition 1E-VOTE NO
Mental Health Services Funding. Temporary Reallocation. Helps Balance State Budget. This feeds the spending beast too

Proposition 1F-VOTE NO Elected Officials' Salaries. Prevents Pay Increases During Budget Deficit Years. Don’t “reward” Senator Abel Maldonado—The last vote to raise your taxes

They had a rally this weekend down in Corona that was a huge success. Check out this article that the OC register wrote regarding the rally.



memorial day {2009}


come one come all. this invite is to ANY who read this blog, but most definitely for the family. since a few years ago we tried to start the tradition of "service" on memorial day since that's what we are celebrating, the service of our country men and women, I think it would be appropriate to continue the tradition.

gordon and i would like to invite you to our new house for swimming and good food. But while having fun, those that are able can come inside and do some service! we need all the help we can get with demo, painting, lifting, and advice! We don't expect all day help, maybe maybe an hour or so and then swim!

please let me know if you're interested!


Sunday Fun-day

Sorry that it's been awhile. I have more political post coming so get ready, but for now since sunday was mother's day, this is my official shout out to all you mothers!

I have so many mothers in my life, meaning I KNOW, so many mothers. I watch, admire, learn, love, laugh, and cry with them all. Please remember that it is the greatest gift that god could give us women:motherhood.

I love and appreciate you all and the rolls you play in my life.



First 100 days - 4th installment

Did the President, after campaigning against pork and earmarks, really sign bills that include both? Yes. Will the President's new budget really triple and quadruple the annual deficit? Yes. Will the President's budget really double the national debt within a few years and then increase still more beyond that? Yes. Do the President and members of Congress, many of whom never operated so much as a T-shirt concession booth, really believe that they can "modernize" healthcare, thus "saving" taxpayers buckets of money? Yes.

America traditionally represents the greatest possibility of someone's going from nothing to something. Why? In theory, if not practice, the government stays out of the way and lets individuals take risks and reap rewards or accept the consequences of failure. We call this capitalism -- or, at least, we used to.

Today's global downturn reflects too much borrowing and too much lending. But would borrowers and lenders -- at least in America -- have engaged in the same kind of behavior but for artificially low interest rates under the Federal Reserve System? Would borrowers and lenders have acted as precipitously but for the existence of Fannie and Freddie, which bought up their mortgages? Would banks have so readily lent money to those who clearly could not repay it but for the Community Reinvestment Act? That law pressured banks into relaxing their normal lending standards to help low-income borrowers.

Just my response

Sean and Jared, I don't keep up with the politics like you guys do, so I'm glad you do and you let us know what's going on.  I agree with you %100 and I just keep thinking it's the last days and the gray area is disappearing.  I think from now on it's going to be a fighting battle and we just have to believe that things will someday be made right.  The only thing we can do is to do our best to protect our families and keep the faith.  For the first time since I am seriously thinking about stuffing cash under my mattress and having a year's supply of diapers and tampons to barter if necessary ( that is Amie's idea).  
         Yesterday at Tanner's baseball game, one of the coaches freaked out twice because we wouldn't let his hitters take extra pitches so they could get a hit no matter what, and his parents were yelling also.  "They're 6 and 7 years old", and "this is minor A, let them hit", they said.  So even though it was against the rules and our team was trying to follow the rules, we were still being yelled at.  
So I have two points.  First, sometimes we can get away with not following rules, or bending them because we think it's for the greater good, but then we don't learn to have boundaries.  Second, this just supports a whole new generation of everyone wins, lets give everyone what they "need" to make them feel better.  It makes me sick! but I have to say, all of our parents stood behind following the rules and letting the boys learn that you don't always win.  It made me feel hopeful that there are still people out there that are fighting for the things in our society that are deteriorating. 

Inspiration & Love

In this world of peril, confusion and hopelessness, I find inspiration and love in the small things everyday.

It's in a song, a good deed, a friendly smile or a laugh. I see it in a child's face, so innocent and peaceful and so full of love. I feel it in the service of my family and friends. I see it when someone cares enough to listen and never judge.

I find hope for myself when I take the time to see, listen and feel the abundance of inspiration and love all around me everyday.

All I can do is thank my Heavenly Father for loving me so much to bless me with His wonderful gifts.


First 100 days - 3rd installment

Firmly in charge of much of the domestic car industry, Obama effectively fired the CEO of General Motors. He threatens to fire still more executives in the parts of the financial services industry currently under the management, direction or control of Uncle Sam -- that eminent, well-regarded banker.

Obama blames the financial crisis on "greed" and the "lack of regulatory oversight." Funny thing about greed. Celebrated investor-turned-Obama-supporter/adviser Warren Buffett says, "Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful." Apparently, some practice good greed, while others engage in greedy greed. As for regulation, the SEC already heavily regulates most of the troubled financial institutions. The world's largest insurer, AIG, operated under heavy regulation.

The government-sponsored entities Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae -- blamed for irresponsibly buying, packaging, and selling bad mortgages -- are regulated by a government agency, called the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight. Its sole responsibility is to oversee those two agencies. OFHEO, shortly before the government takeover of Freddie and Fannie, gave them two thumbs up.

Hello, does this worry anyone?

To be continued.....


what team will you be on?

We always hear the term "signs of the times"....but we really are seeing signs of the times.....
we elected a president, who wants to cuddle up with the rest of the world....no matter what their values are...wants to apologize for how America has acted in the past..even though most of the time we have been the most noble and un-selfish country in the world....

we can see that right is become wrong....and morals are being laughed at...just like in Lehi's dream...

we see Daniel's prophecies at the doorstep, ready to burst open...in following what's going on in the European union and the UN....

more and more dominos keep falling to usher all of these "signs of the times"....and just this week, the democrats gained 1 more seat in the senate, making almost possible to pass any bills...

this is very scary if you ask me....but, what Joseph Smith prophicied will come to pass....our nation's constitution will hang by a thread some day, and it is unraveling more and more every day

so...who's team do each of us wanna be on? the world's team? or God's team?!

it's certainly easier to be on the world's team, since most people are joining that team....but in the end, that team will lose.


First 100 days - 2nd installment

Obama proposes spending billions (or trillions?) more on "creating or saving" -- whatever that means -- 4 million, 3.5 million, or 2.5 million jobs. Pick a number. Given the government's vast business expertise, Obama proposes spending gobs of money to "invest" in green jobs. And he's just warming up. He wants taxpayers to guarantee, presumably to all who request it, a "world-class education" -- whatever that means.

My simple view on things. Government spends money, government income = taxes paid my you and me, taxes come from you and me working or investing succesfully, pay taxes from that money, which means less money in my pocket, and less money in company bank account, means company doesn't have as many employees and I don't spend as much money in the public economy, which means less money to the government, which means less jobs, which means government thinks they need to help create jobs, which means, more taxes so they can spend more money, which means.....

what a bunch of crap! How about let the public econimic system work on it's own, with little regulation (like don't force banks to lend to unqualified want to be home owners????)

Just my opinion of course!

to be continued.....