Our Story
sean the oldest is the leader and true example. he and robin have been married for 20 years and have 6 amazing kids. living in arizona has made their lives a little easier and fun. surviving the fire of his business, he is slowly building his company back to what it was.
jared is an amazing musician and drafsman. married to an only child, heather, they share 2 boys and 2 girls. jared has been working on keeping his marriage alive, and providing the support his family needs, while continuing to have some fun!
loyalty to his work and family have made christian successful in life. his wife dori is the love of his life and they also share 2 boys and 2 girls. living the american dream is their success.
danielle the first girl has been treated like royalty her whole life only to be humble about it now. 34 year old mother of 5 , she is a compulsive house decorator, constanly changing what she likes and wants. luckily her ever so patient husband jon loves her for it.
divorced for 8 years whitney has struggled with the religion she grew up knowing. she has lived in hollywood, studied in milan, and is working on starting a fashion business of her own. she's looking to settle down again and start a family.
ashley the quiet one, sometimes feels like an outsider, but is anything but. she is very loyal to those she loves and was blessed with the biggest heart ever. Divorced for a year now she is loving dating and finding herself again.
jillian the baby has had it good her whole life. she and todd have a 4 year old girl and almost 2 year old little boy. she is a talented interior designer and has the most amazing style. she has had to take a step back in life while her husband attends law school.
Birthdays this month
Happy birthday to the both of you! I sent you each notes on Face Book also, but I wanted to say a few things about each of you on our blog so you know how much you mean to me as your brother!
You are both wonderful people. You have so many good traits that I love about each of you, and yet you are both so different from each other in some ways that make you unique!
I appreciate that both of you care about our family, and love to be around us. We miss being there for all the activities, but count it special when we do get to see you!
Danielle, I love how you treat your kids and your husband. You have a great family, and you are a great mother. Keep doing a great job on those kids.
Whitney, I love your passion for life, and passion to live it to its fullest. I'm grateful for what a wonderful aunt you are to our children. They love being around you.
Thank you both for the things I have learned from you (yes, even being older), I wish you both the best in everything you work for. My the choicest blessings find you!
Love and miss both of you, happy birthday, and many more happy birthdays to come.
Love Sean
Superbowl ad
Go check it out. It is not offensive in it's production, but I guess it's too the point too much?
I don't get it. And the liberals talk about the unbalance on talk radio?
What a joke! I don't care if you are pro-choice, the ad should be allowed to be aired!
This was very humbling for me, but a few weeks after talking to Jill Pill, I applied for MediCAL. I don't have a job that offers benefits, I don't have parents to help, and I'm not married. So i did it. Well I got a letter back from them that reads:
"Your application for MediCAL is denied. Based on the information available to us, you ARE a medically indigent adult. A medically indigent adult is a person between the ages of 21 and 65 who is not totally disabled or blind, not pregnant, not living in a long-term-care or intermediate care facility or not living with a child who meets AFDC deprivation requirements. The mediCAL program is prohibited by State law from providing medical services to Medically Indigent Adults. However, if you should have a medical need which you cannot afford, you may be eligible for health care at a Los Angeles County health facility."
Really? It doesn't even make sense. The definition of INDIGENT is "needy," so basically they are saying that because I am "needy" i don't get benefits. Huh?
Did you also hear about the 26 year old from whittier who just gave birth to 8 babies? Yes i said 8. She is living with her parents in a 2 bedroom house with 6 children already. Are you freakin kidding me? 14!!!!! and get this......there is NO DAD! She went down to Mexico to receive hormone treatments so she could try for more than 1 baby at a time. Now talk about taking advantage of the system.
So there is me who has just gotten test results back that I have pre-cancerous cells on my ovaries and doesn't have insurance or a means to pay for treatment.........and then there is this young lady with 14 children who will now be set for life.
This state is unjust.
PS Dad said that blogs are egotistical so he probably wont be participating.
Illegal Response
As far as lazy people in general taking advantage of the system, well they are here, they will always be here, as long as we are liberal in our treatment of them. If we as a country lean more to the conservitive side, we will actually help people by forcing them to get off their butts. Now, I understand there are circumstances that allow for people to receive help, and some won't be able to contribute, but most could.
How about by providing work situations for people getting welfare. They could work jobs giving service of some kind, to earn the freebies. Kind of like the church does with it's welfare system. Did you know when you take from the Bishops storehouse, you should give of your time. They don't ask time for dollars, just time. How perfect of a system. So when someone receives welfare, how about doing work? It might be crappy jobs we don't like sometimes, like clean up a vacant lot? or collect trash from a freeway? I don't know, but the government could have all kinds of things that people could do to give back when they receive.
Remember the saying, you can give a man a fish and feed him for a day, or you can teach a man to fish and feed him for life. This is one big thing that scares me about Obama and the liberals, always wanting to give more and create more dependence on government handouts instead of creating self reliance.
I love hearing all the comments by the way, and we haven't heard from Mom or Dad lately, or Christian. I know we are all busy, but remember part of this is to all keep conversations going for the benifit of ME, being a state away, and Jill!
Please contribute!!!!!
Here's a thought....
Also, we need to realize that even though they are "taxing" the system, are they really? How about all the citizens that are taxing the system? How about all the women who keep having children solely to get more money for welfare. How about the people on welfare who have no itention on ever working. And if its the "system" why do people hate the illegals so much? Ultimately the illegals are the ones who keep our economy where it is. Sam the small restaurant owner can hire 3 illegals for way cheaper than any white guy, therefore Sam can keep more money for his small restaurant, thus adding to the economy. As much as we dont like to admit it, illegals help our economy and do the jobs that we dont want to do, ie: landscapers, cleaning ladies, dish washers, construction workers, and so on.
Everyone also keeps bringing up how they are not obeying the law, and how our country was founded on immigrants. Well the difference between now and then is that yes, we have laws now, and then, we didn't. We were still forming our country and our laws back then, so there were no laws to break. Now there are laws to break. I think generally illegals dont come here solely to tax the system. Generally they come to help their families and to survive. I personally think it takes a lot of guts to have to go to that extreme to help their family. Im not some crazy left wing liberal or anything, I just wanted to add another point of view to our interesting discussion! Now everyone go fire your gardeners and cleaning ladies because now we are adding to the illegal circle of law breaking.
Illegals and Jase
AND i agree that Jase should also be doing something nice for Rilee and her friend!
Reply for Jase and illegals
About illegals. our country was founded and populated somewhat by immigrants, and also by those who felt oppressed by their government. but in any case, i believe came and do come to this country for a reason, part of which has to do with God leading them here.
But, .........when our country was first founded and new settlers were coming in, they had to rely on themselves to make food, shelter, etc. the government really wasn't even established to the point, of providing any services, besides a militia. so, everyone had to work if they wanted to survive.
now it's different. this is the greatest country in the world, and has the most opportunities. illegals know that and take advantage of that. they send so much money back to their homes and families. if they want to get a temporary work visa, that's fine with me. you come here for 5 years, work, then you leave. if you want to stay longer, apply for citizenship. i had to get a visa when i went to korea, it was temporary, then i had to leave.
i do believe most of them come now, becuase of opportunity, but they know they will be taken care of, no matter what. and that is the travesty of this issue. our government is willing to take care of them, by taking OUR money (taxes), and deciding who to give it to. and give it to anyone who needs it, whether you put into the pot or not.
as long as you contribute what you can, then you can take what you need. that is the only way socialism will ever work. either **it or get off the pot. so, i don't care who comes to this country, do it legally and lawfully, and do your best to work hard and contribute.
if everyone took from the pot, and didn't put back in, eventually we would all die.
Reply-"What would you do"
So I'm not a parent, obviously, but I do know a little about being a teenager. I think that being 15, 16, 17 you become the most selfish person you will ever be. Jase is going through that phase of being "cool" because he has the freedom of a car. He doesn't have to rely on his parents for transportation anymore, therefore he can do whatever, whenever. He is also "too cool" for his little sister. I think it really sucks what he did and needs a consequence.
My consequence would be car restriction for a week. Robin sorry, but he should have to go back to what it was like before his licence and have to rely on someone else. Driving a car is a privilege and he mistreated that privilege by treating his sister badly. Were you being Christ like Jase? I don't think it even matters that Rilee was hurt or not, Its still a really crappy thing to do and he should be punished.
Sean I agree with you that the illegals should be entering the country the right way! Yes our country was founded on immigrants, but they obeyed the laws at the time. Now the laws are more difficult but that's probably because the US needs to really look deep at the people entering and wanting to reside here. We have so many countries that hate us and terrorists that try to destroy us that the US immigrations laws are set in place for that reason, to protect us.
Danielle, I do feel bad for the couple in your ward, but they can be the most like-able people in the world they still didn't enter the country the right way. If they want to go to the temple then why cant they go to the one in their home country or to one that allows immigration? The country can't pick and chose the people to let in based on whether or not they are nice. AGAIN, the US has its laws for a good reason and I'm happy with the way those laws are set in place.
New Idea - "What would you do?"
This is the situation that Robin had when she came up with the idea.
So Rilee has torn ligaments, and Jase and Rilee were in the car driving home from school. Now Jase, being the selfish butt head that he can be, decided that he was going to be late for an apointment at the gym (he and his buddy have new memberships). So, he stopped the car a mile away from home, told Rilee and her friend to get out of the car and walk home because he was going to be late and made her get out. Rilee called Robin who went and picked her up.
What would you do?
One thing I would like to ask, is to make it more intersting, everyone should participate and give an opinion for each "What would you do?" question.
Look forward to your answers on this.
Illegal response
Now, from a spiritual standpoint, I don't like to refer to people as lower class. In fact I think we need to be better at viewing and treating people as the "same" class.
Now, with that being said, back to breaking the law. No one should be able to do it and get away with it. The law should be enforced, period. If the law needs to be changed, then so be it. But obey the law! Enforce the Law!
So now I bring up a question. What is different now, then from the early years of our country, when immigrants came into our country? Are the laws different now? I ask this with sincerity, because, as I want people to obey the law, what is different now? We speak of past immigrants as brave people that left worse situations to have a better life. Are we full? Are people coming from Mexico just looking for a better life? Maybe what we should do is stick to being America. We make the rules apply. We speak english, not spanish. No free stuff. Work for it, pay for things, pay taxes. Maybe we have a very short period where some help is offered in the form of food and shelter, and then after that time, they are on their own.
Just my thoughts as I try to be a better person. As for stupid people that we make fun of? they can and are any color, white, black, asian, hispanic, doesn't matter.
What are your thoughts?
Response to Whitney
Response on he quote
Is it a sign of anything when you don't capitalize???
Jillian - what the crap? Is this Mom?!?!?!?!?
Reply-"Our New Country"
TWO: No Sean, we all don't capitilize, but at least we can spell! JK, LOL, TTYL, <3
THREE: Danielle, your kids are awesome that they ask so many questions and actually care what happens to the mexicans and blacks......I MEAN, the lower class, which Im actually a part of if you think about it.
FOUR: Jared, you serisouly can get deep about this stuff. Its hard for me to follow, sometimes i have to read it twice! I do agree with most everything you say. I was just thinking about when Hitler became leader back in the day. The people were so excited for change and treated him like he was a god. Sound Familiar?
LAST: I read a quote on facebook today and thought it was perfect for our current topic!
The government cannot give to anyone anything that it does not first take from someone else. -Unknown-
Reply-Reply-"Our New Country"
So my family, what we need to do is help in the process. Write e-mails to your reps and senators. Write to the white house, write to the Senate leader idiot Reid, and the wing nut Pellosi. Write, and encourage others to write. Also, we need to change reps and senators in two years so the power can shift. I would much rather have a balance of power with a Democratic President, that way things would not be automatic. Remember what the country did when they were going to pass the amnisty cramnisty. Remember all the letters and e-mails and phone calls regarding the issue from the American People. It stoped it in it's tracks. We have power if we can unite. I believe Obama will do some things, but as soon as people realize he is full of crap and his ideas acually make things worse, we will see a revolt. We need to encourage it, and do our part by writing letters.
How many of you have done this? I have written to the leaders and my reps, and have also written to our city council and Mayor on different issues. One letter doesn't change things, many do. Plus the satisfaction that I felt by doing my part was cool.
Last thing, why am I the only person that capitalizes?
Reply-"Our New Country"
Reply-"Our New Country"
Amen, peace, i'm out! wurd!
Reply-"Our New Country"
So, Obama is closing Gitmo, stupid. Where are the enemy combatants going to go? Back home to fight another day? In our jails? I dissagree! And what about not wanting to use harsh tactics to extract information from these people? What if we catch high operatives that know everything? Do we simply ask them what they know and leave it at that, or do we try many tactics including harsh tactics to get the info that will save lives! My opinion is that they made the choice when they chose to fight and be terrorists! They made the choice then and there that they might get caught, and that they might be interogated. Now, there are limits, torture has it's limits, we need to abide by them, but not what Obama is saying.
Stimulus package and taxes. CUT TAXES! Simple! Only answer to stimulate the economy! Regan proved it, it worked. CUT TAXES! Give businesses a break and they can hire more people. Give people a break and we will buy more things! BUT TAXES, and REDUCE SPENDING! Republicans have increased spending in the last 8 years, and it needs to be fixed. Arnold increased spending, and look at where California is. Our idior Governor increased spending, and we are the worst sate for deficit budget! Idiots!
Those are my opinions today! Lets see the results from what Obama does. You know, the stock market looks to Washington to help in the choices investors make. Nothing has helped the stock market yet increase in value! I bet if our taxes were cut, Wall Street would go crazy!!!
Reply-"Our New Country"
I haven't responded yet because I have been gone since Thursday. I like to stay away from phones and computers while I'm on vacation.
So Jared, I completely agree with you regarding trusting our new president. But i feel like that's how I deal with everybody that I meet in my life. I don't trust anyone until they prove they are trustworthy. I feel like our country needed a "savior" to feel like we were rescued from the crap that it has turned into, which of course the people don't realize they caused themselves, i.e. the economy. So treating him like a GOD is how it turned out. I have to say that I am okay with him trying to be our new president and trying to fix things, but i am tired of republicans and Democrats treating each other like rivals in a super bowl. I thought we were ONE NATION? it just seems like things are such a competition. I don't get it. And I am tired of the people treating him that way. He hasn't even done anything yet.
As far as each thing he is planning to do, we may not agree with his decisions but we all need to do our part to make the world a better place. All I know is that me and Gordon are starting to plan our future, plan for the worse, and plan to have the needs to survive if something major happens. I think everyone should work on those things as well.
so good luck obama, and I hope you prove us wrong.
New Topic - Our New Country
2. enact stricter hate crime laws against homos,lesbos, and trannies
3. pick a treasury secretary.....who doesn't pay taxes
4. shut down a terrorist prison 5. stop being mean to terrorists in general
6. shut down all overseas CIA secret prisons
7. give homos and lesbos more rights, rescind the defense of marriage act
8. make abortion easier, easy access, free access
should i go on? and that's all just in the first few days. so imagine where we might be after.....say 100 days. i can't wait. i can't wait for the first terrorist attack in our country, ....but it'll probably be president Bush's fault anyway.......
so...like i said....i will wait before i give him my support...but so far, he's not coming close to earning respect from me.
Reply- Grandpa
I will never forget him eating the fat off of the roast, driving me in his bug, grandma telling him he was clear on the right, him taking me camping in his camper, the smell of his cigarettes, and his infamous study. I love and miss him so much....
Grandpa Dunn - miss him
So I have loved learning more about Grandpa and his life, such as his military experiences and his willingness to serve. Then about his firefighting, and again his willingness to serve. I know that so many people looked up to Grandpa as someone always willing to help out and serve in everyday life. I hope I can be more like him in this way.
Now, to the reality of Grandpa. He wasn't perfect. He smoked, and drank too much. He had his problems. What I learn from this is that we are not perfect, and yet we try our best. He did much more than many in some areas, but fell short in others. I do the same! I think Grandpa would say to all of us to try harder, do better, do your best. Like me hoping that my kids learn from my idiocy at BYU, I hope they do better in college. I think Grandpa would say learn from him in the mistakes he made, and do better in life.
So, the other thing he used to say was "It's Ok to show emotions as a man".
I'm glad he is our Grandpa, and I'm grateful for the time we did have with him here on earth. I look forward to the time we meat again.
Love you Grandpa, miss you....I think we should fly our flags in honor of him!
Reply-"Grandpa Dunn"
i loved to sit on his lap in his office when my sisters had to sit on the floor. I loved hanging out in the garage while he built new things. I loved visiting him and grandma while they were camping. I loved his flannels and the way his belly stuck out. and most of all I loved the way he smelled. like cigarettes, black licorice, and peppermint.
i will always remember you grandma. you will for ever be in my heart.
Reply-"Grandpa Dunn"
New Topic-Grandpa Dunn
Reply-"Mom and dad's house"
which one?
Reply-"Mom and Dad's House" & "Girls Weekend"
we all have memories of different things, its a fact of life. i loved sharing the back bedroom with 3 sets of bunk beds and one small bed next to the window. I loved that Rhonda lived with us for a short time, and even though I hated it at the time, i love the memory of us girls cleaning our room once a month. the strategy was to just push EVERYTHING into the middle and slowly pick through it. we even found some cockroach friends in the pile!
as far as the girls weekend? i am for sure in, but it also depends on Gordons exact surgery date. I cant wait though to stay up play nerts and talk about EVERYONE! jk
Reply-"Mom and Dad's House"
So, cabinets are close, and that will be a dramatic change. I am going to come out and help install them to help save some money, I'm sure Jared will be helping as well. It will be very cool when they are in.
So Jillian, you didn't have memories of the Red Bus, but I didn't live in Mom and Dad's house until after my mission. Actually, for a month, in the girls room against the window. I saw Sis. Clayton last year at the Newport Temple, and asked her if she had ever been back to the house since they moved out. She said no, that she couldn't go back not living there, too many memories. I told her they were remodeling it, and she said she could go back since it would not be the same. Interesting how things mean so much for us. Our red bus, the bug, the house, the house for the Claytons, etc. When we were in Brea for Christmas, the kids made me drive by our old house so they could see it. They took pictures. Lot's of great memories in that house for us.
I love the memories, and I love making them. We spent the weekend in the mountains in the snow this last weekend. Our 5 oldest kids each took a friend so we had 11 kids and Robin and I. We had to put the 4th bench seat in the van so we could all fit. Anyway, lots of fun, lots of memories, and Delany's friend broke his leg skiing. I got to sit in the emergency room with him for a few hours.
Good luck Mom and Dad, we love the house, and will love it when it's done!
New Topic-Girl's trip
Reply-"Mom and dad's house"
New Topic-Mom and Dads house
Reply-Reply-"Finding a Job"
sean you are an amazing person and i know you will be blessed with greatness someday. we all have challenges, some longer than others. you and robin are the biggest examples to me. Love you so much!
Getting a Job
Anyway, each of us has our place. One thing I try to remember and do a better job at, is we all create who we are. We create what we do. Yes there are outside influences, but how we respond to them is the key.
Whitney, go get a job. Just do it, put your full mind to it. Use all your resources and do it. You will find a job. Even if you have to something else in the time being while you look for a job in your industry, at least you are generating cash. Network, network, network.
Create what you have, I know you and all of us, can do what we want. I know what I want right now, and when I really work for it, things happen.
Lastly, I suggest prayer and pondering. Pray for your success, and then ponder, ponder, ponder. You have to stop and listen and think! I had several interviews in my head while taking showers before I had the real interviews. I came up with some great answers to questions in my head, while pondering.
So, good luck Whitney, and good luck to everyone as the economy goes through negative changes. I hope we have seen the worst of it.
Have a great weekend!
Reply-Finding A Job
New Topic-Finding a Job
i have to admit that i absolutely HATE job interviews and the nervousness and insecurities that come out because of them. but then i try to remember that those interviewing are just like me and you, except they probably have a little power trip going on in their little heads. I'm sick of hearing all the tips and ways to win the hearts of the interviewer, when in essence, they want someone with "more experience."
so i guess i just want to point out that you guys are lucky during these times to have great jobs where you can still put food on your tables.
What's fair
Cars of the Past
To the van and Datson! I got to drive the 240Z. Now that was a cool car, fast, fun to drive etc. I also got to drive the van. That was fun too. I would love to have a van like that again. One time, I screwed up and backed into the Datson with the van. The hitch went into the radiator. Dad was pissed!
OK, now I will set the record straight regarding the van. The metal cooler was blue not red, sorry Whitney, but that simply means I sat on the cooler more than anyone. You think I sat in the front seat, but actually, Mom would start there, and then Jared would end up there because he was such a turd in the back! Yes, Mom would lay on the back seat, and the rest of us would sit on the floor or the cooler, or the crib.
So the worst of it all, about the van, is that when I went up to college at BYU, I was told that the family was going to get a new big van, and that I would get the VW for school. I planned and waited, only to find out that Mom and Dad traded it in when they bought the new Van. That sucked!
So why do we talk about our old cars, why do we have so much to say? I think it's because we had such a great childhood, and things like our cars hold so many memories of growing up. Think about all the places we went in that van. Yosemitee, Utah skiing so many years, Big Bear, the beach, the circus, church, families homes, and so on! Also, the van was a great car for a big family. So Mom, this topic of the bug is not just about a car, it's about growing up, making our way in life, and now, recalling and maybe learning about our past.
Thanks for great memories, thanks for providing us with so much fun, and again, thanks for everyone participating, I am having a blast reading your posts.
So, what's the next topic?
New Topic - The Red VW Van
This car took us from 3 little boys to 3 big boys and 4 girls. Can you believe all 7 of you fit into this car along with mom & dad.
I will save my further comments on the red van until hopefully all of you have posted your memories, then I will set the record straight.
Do any of you remember how many engines we put into the '72 van???
Love you all, Mom
The Little Bug That Could

Bloggity Blog *&#@ Blog!!!!!!!!
Jase, have fun driving the "love" bug. whatever you do, don't look under the back seat. i think i left some personal items there that i just remembered. boy, i think that bug was like an appendage of myself. it would go everywhere i went.....i have some amazing memories driving that car, my first car. i was so excited the day mom and dad bought it from grandpa. felt like i owned the world. that bug has been so many places, utah, skiing, dates, surfing, seminary, places it shouldn't have gone, utah, efy, utah, st. george, utah, mexico, wow! went to heathers house a lot, before i bought the red mazda pick up truck. i feel your pain Whit., but i think it's cool that the oldest grand kid gets a chance to drive it. i mean, what an awsome privilage for jase. i hope every grandkid has a chance to drive it at some point in their driving career. heather, you're getting a little witty, and maybe slightly over the edge of smutty, so, let's watch what we say on this blog. j/k. i loved your comments, everyones, but especially my wife's.
Reply-Reply-Reply-"The Red Bug"

Reply-"The Red Bug"
Well, anyway onto the reply about the bug. I want to tell you a bit about the real first bug - it was the first car I officially owned, a dark green (what other color!!) 1965 brand new VW bug that I bought in K.C., Mo for $3,000.00 when I entered clinic while in Dental Hygiene school (at least that's what I told Grama and Grampa Dunn as to why I really needed a car!). I lived at the main campus of school and the dental clinic was 40 blocks away downtown, so I really did need a car to get to clinic. The fact that dad's school was 100 miles away was another good reason to have a car but I don't think I shared that reason with G & G Dunn.
Dad did not have a car while in school so the bug became our first family car when we were married and became a family. When I graduated in January, 1966 I moved to Manhattan, Ks where dad was in his last semester of Kansas State University and where Sean was born in April of that year. So Sean came home from the hospital in the green bug. (We used to fill the tank for $3.00 - .39 cents a gallon for gas, but then a Big Mac was .20 cents, etc., etc.)
In June of '66 we drove to California with a baby car bed in the back seat (real safe) for our first family vacation - in the green bug. We only had the bug while we lived in Ks for our first year and a half, then we moved to California in December, 1967. Since dad was in school and I was working, G & G Dunn loaned us an old sedan for me to go to work in. After Jared was born, we traded in the bug to buy a new larger car (the purple Challenger). It's too bad we were not able to keep the green bug, I would have loved to have had it today.
So, why is all this important? It is just a little bit of history as to why Dad & I bought the tan (then red) bug from G & G Dunn.
In regards to fairness, no there is not any, anywhere or anytime. It is true that "it will all come out in the wash."
So, since there is no fairness and mom & dad own the red bug, we will make the rules regarding the red bug. Our intent at this point in our lives is to "loan" the bug to different family members from time to time. Right now, the bug is "visiting" Jase. When we decide to bring it home, we will bring it home and then the bug will go and "visit" someone else. In the meantime, like Sean said, the next generation of family (And that would be the fourth generation) will be able to create their own memories of "Life with the Red Bug."
Love you all,
Reply-"The Red Bug, My Bug Memories"
All right - I have to get some work done - see you all later.
Reply-"The Red Bug"
Reply- "The Red Bug and Life's Fairness"
To the bug again, what I love is that the care came from Grandpa and Grandma. They used to drive it as one of their cars. I remember Grandpa always messing with my leg when he pretended to shift gears, and grabbing it to tickle me. This car holds many great memories from the entire family, which is cool. One of the great things in life that has meaning! I'm glad for things like this that provoke thoughts and momories of life when we were younger, only concerned about ourselves, or the special one that we were falling in love with. Robin and the 3 younger kids and I went to the store tonight to get some milk and we took the bug. As we were driving, it was very funny to be driving this car, as apposed to a "real" car. It's so simple, like life used to be. I miss that, and yet I would never trade what life is right now. Even going through some struggles as we all are, I am learning to appreciate life as it is. Instead of compaining about whats good and whats not, I am trying to learn and grow, and appreciate what I have, and who I have.
Back to the bug...Just to let you know, Jase and the rest of my kids are creating new memories. A new generation! In the two weeks we have had it here, he has washed it twice, and re-painted the white part of the rims as well as polish the chrome hubcaps. He says he will be waxing it this week. He loves driving it and having people look at it and comment. He wants to find and buy a roof rack to replicate the one that Grandpa had on it that was stolen out of my driveway in Brea. He also wants to put an inexpensive radio in it, and yes Heather, make a speaker box for the back like Jared had in it. I don't think he will be playing Ragae though.
What a great thing to keep going!
Reply-Reply-Reply-"The Red/TAN bug....&whats fair"
Which leads me to my next thought...one of my repetitive mottos my kids often hear is "your right, life isn't fair" Like sean mentioned, and so many of us can attest, i often hear about what is and is not fair in life. Maybe my perspective is slighted considering i am an only child and just got and still get whatever i want, therefore never having to consider fairness in life, but so far, raising 4 children and being around the Warners for as long as I can remember, I can confidently say "Life isn't fair"....nobody ever has the same opportunities, experiences, perspectives or needs that would warrant a life that is FAIR to anyone elses. I am not trying to sound negative, in fact if anything I look at it as insurance that in the continued complaints of whats fair or not i wont have so much to worry about!!!
Love Aunt Heather (the UN-real sister)
Reply-"The Red Blog"
My memory of the red bug was driving it while I was attending...hmm...which college? Oh, ya, I was going to Fullerton Junior College and I think my current used piece of junk cars was in the shop getting fixed and mom let me drive the bug to school. It was pretty fun while it lasted, but I have to admit, I was ready to get back to a newer car.
Reply-"The Red Bug"
To the issue of the car being in AZ. Sorry Whitney that you were told no. Maybe it was the newness when you asked. Jase does drive it to school and back, but he is not allowed on the freeway, and not allowed to drive it everywhere. In fact, I drive it to the store and other short distances.
This brings me to the question of whats fair! Could this be a new topic? We are always challenged with "What's fair" with our kids! It seems to be impossible to be fair with everything. I want it to be fair, but it never is. How do you balance it? How do you do one thing for one kid, and not for another, and expect the other to not complain? Or...does it eventually become fair in the long run? Being the oldest I got things first! Is that fair, probably not, but I didn't get the last things either, such as a cruise vacation, etc. Should life be fair, or should we just live with what is? Or do we make it what is?
Have a great Sunday
Reply-"The Red Bug"
As far as Jase having the car I think mom was just really excited to lend it to someone who was really excited about driving it, and in his case, he was. But now that he has the bug, that means that me and todd might get to drive the BMW which means that I will have a car!!!! WOO HOO!!!
New Topic-The Red Bug
so im a little sad at mom right now. sorry mom. but i just found out that jase, seans oldest (16), is driving the 69 red bug that has been in our family for as long as i can remember.
im upset because i dont think that a 16 year old should have the privilege of this car that has had its engine replaced as well as a brand new paint job. i realize that its an old car, but all 7 of us had to drive beaters before we had the opportunity to drive a nice car. this to me is a nice classic car.
im also offended because i asked mom to drive this car about a year ago and she told me no. im 30 years old and she told me NO! granted she let me drive while i was trying to get my honda fixed, she denied me and now lets my nephew have it. mom also said to me that she wanted to keep it for herself, an extra fun car for her to drive every once in awhile. so what changed? how is this fair?
i dont even think that jase has any memories like the rest of do. i think if mom and dad decided to sell it, then they should have asked all of us kids first because it has sentimental value to us.
sean im not mad at you for this, just a little hurt by mom.
im done now.
Reply-"Rules of Blogging"
i think that a little drama in everyones description is for the interest factor. i want people reading this to be interested. if I were to put that we are all happy jolly then people wouldnt be interested in reading a blog like that. if anyone wants me to change theirs then i will.
Danielle, i think mom and dad treated like a queen because you were the first girl. you were the first to get things, to do new things, etc.
i also hope that everyone participates, seeing that when mom emails everyone about things EVERYONE has time to respond, therefore I think all of us can take a short time to be part of this.
New Topic - Rules of the blogging
I don't want this to ever be a place to bag on each other, or family! I want it to always be positive in that no one should ever get hurt or ofended.
What I think the first rule should be is this. This should be a place where we share our own experiences and opinions, such as Whitney, you shared your thoughts on splitting time, then I shared my thoughts on splitting time. We both did this without bagging on anyone within our families. It does not mean we don't give our real opinion, just not at the expense of each other. This might take some effort sometimes, but I think it will be worth it.
Now, as far as the descriptions of people, I think we could change them a little, and make them more generic, and maybe, e-mail them to each person to get their OK.
Second rule, everyone needs to participate! Please participate, don't have to do it everytime, but sometimes. I miss having conversations with you, this is a great way to do that. I think we should also include our spouses and let them participate also.
Thats it for my rules!
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Reply-"Splitting Time"
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