This kind of goes along with Sean's post....but totally different...
We are seeing unprecidented decisions being made in the particularly...our nation.
These decisions are supposedly being made in our basically one person. Does this bring back any memories of the pre-mortal council in heaven? Now..i'm not comparing Obama to any means...but, it is interesting to note..that Obama is making decisions and policy that will enable everyone...or at least most have money, health insurance,a job, this, that, and the other....
He is creating policy that pretty much takes choice away from us....he is stripping away the free enterprise system..little by little...and trying to guarantee that everyone has everything they need....
Does this at all, compare to the plan Lucifer had for us? He wanted to guarantee all of us a free ticket to exaltation and eternal life with Heavenly Father....but he wanted all the credit.....Christ on the other hand said he would be our Savior...and that all the glory would go to Heavenly Father. God's plan was for us to all have the same chance on Earth, and have the choice of how we would live our lives.
This whole idea of socialism,communism, collectivism, is pretty much mirrors Lucifer's plan. And although Obama and his sheep, think they are doing the public good, they are just helping the advisary fulfill his plan.
And we see more and more people going along with Obama and socialism.
We need to be careful to not fall into this trap. It may seem noble and kind and charitable to take care of everyone, but there is a right way to do it, without taking away free will. God only exists becuase of free will.
Our Story
three boys and four girls, we are the "real brothers and sisters!" California raised children, we are the products of the two most interesting people, cathy and dave warner. although all of us were raised the same, we have 7 completely different personalities. our lives are filled with challenge, joy, romance, divorce, chaos, failures, success, and parenthood. we are american life today.
sean the oldest is the leader and true example. he and robin have been married for 20 years and have 6 amazing kids. living in arizona has made their lives a little easier and fun. surviving the fire of his business, he is slowly building his company back to what it was.
jared is an amazing musician and drafsman. married to an only child, heather, they share 2 boys and 2 girls. jared has been working on keeping his marriage alive, and providing the support his family needs, while continuing to have some fun!
loyalty to his work and family have made christian successful in life. his wife dori is the love of his life and they also share 2 boys and 2 girls. living the american dream is their success.
danielle the first girl has been treated like royalty her whole life only to be humble about it now. 34 year old mother of 5 , she is a compulsive house decorator, constanly changing what she likes and wants. luckily her ever so patient husband jon loves her for it.
divorced for 8 years whitney has struggled with the religion she grew up knowing. she has lived in hollywood, studied in milan, and is working on starting a fashion business of her own. she's looking to settle down again and start a family.
ashley the quiet one, sometimes feels like an outsider, but is anything but. she is very loyal to those she loves and was blessed with the biggest heart ever. Divorced for a year now she is loving dating and finding herself again.
jillian the baby has had it good her whole life. she and todd have a 4 year old girl and almost 2 year old little boy. she is a talented interior designer and has the most amazing style. she has had to take a step back in life while her husband attends law school.
sean the oldest is the leader and true example. he and robin have been married for 20 years and have 6 amazing kids. living in arizona has made their lives a little easier and fun. surviving the fire of his business, he is slowly building his company back to what it was.
jared is an amazing musician and drafsman. married to an only child, heather, they share 2 boys and 2 girls. jared has been working on keeping his marriage alive, and providing the support his family needs, while continuing to have some fun!
loyalty to his work and family have made christian successful in life. his wife dori is the love of his life and they also share 2 boys and 2 girls. living the american dream is their success.
danielle the first girl has been treated like royalty her whole life only to be humble about it now. 34 year old mother of 5 , she is a compulsive house decorator, constanly changing what she likes and wants. luckily her ever so patient husband jon loves her for it.
divorced for 8 years whitney has struggled with the religion she grew up knowing. she has lived in hollywood, studied in milan, and is working on starting a fashion business of her own. she's looking to settle down again and start a family.
ashley the quiet one, sometimes feels like an outsider, but is anything but. she is very loyal to those she loves and was blessed with the biggest heart ever. Divorced for a year now she is loving dating and finding herself again.
jillian the baby has had it good her whole life. she and todd have a 4 year old girl and almost 2 year old little boy. she is a talented interior designer and has the most amazing style. she has had to take a step back in life while her husband attends law school.
First 100 days
I read this article today about the first 100 days. I would like to share it with you in paragraphs so it's not too much at one sitting. Please pay attention to what is being said. I don't care what your political party is, this is important to really listen to, and see what is going on and what direction things are going.
Has it really been 100 days?
Aided by an eagerly compliant Democratic-controlled Congress, a sycophantic media, and a bunch of squishy Republicans, President Obama has taken the country on a radical, mind-boggling leap into collectivism. Obama -- to use one of his favorite expressions -- doubled down, no, tripled and quadrupled down on Bush's "stimulus" and "rescue" packages, spending trillions of dollars to "bail out" financial institutions, too-big-to-fail businesses, and even deficit-running states. Obama promises to use taxpayer money to rescue "responsible homeowners" -- whatever that means -- from foreclosure, thus artificially propping up prices that shut out renters who would love to buy now-much-cheaper houses.
To be continued....
Has it really been 100 days?
Aided by an eagerly compliant Democratic-controlled Congress, a sycophantic media, and a bunch of squishy Republicans, President Obama has taken the country on a radical, mind-boggling leap into collectivism. Obama -- to use one of his favorite expressions -- doubled down, no, tripled and quadrupled down on Bush's "stimulus" and "rescue" packages, spending trillions of dollars to "bail out" financial institutions, too-big-to-fail businesses, and even deficit-running states. Obama promises to use taxpayer money to rescue "responsible homeowners" -- whatever that means -- from foreclosure, thus artificially propping up prices that shut out renters who would love to buy now-much-cheaper houses.
To be continued....
Sean and Christian
I wanted to say a happy belated birthday to Sean and Christian. I couldn't get to the computer yesterday. Christian, I remember always trying to hang out with you not thinking that four years was a big age difference. Now I know it was huge for kids and I appreciate you letting me tag along (sometimes). Now four years is nothing and I love that all of us kids are pretty much the same age, kind of. You are now in your late 30's, which is the new 20's, so no big deal.
Sean, yes you do sound like grandpa Dunn but in a new age younger generation kind of way. Does that make you feel younger? Seriously, I love that you aren't afraid to speak your mind, but are always aware of other people's feelings and opinions. I still get comments from people around Brea that say how they were always impressed with you and how you treated others. You and Robin have been the first to do everything, and I'm glad you are such a great example to us. I never know what to say when you ask for advice with Jase. I'm hoping when we get there you will have plenty to give us!
I'm blessed to have 3 big brothers, even though I am still teased to no end, I just tell myself you guys do it because you love me!
Happy Birthday to Me
Thanks for the birthday wishes today. Whit, thanks for what you said, I love being your brother, as I love being all my siblings older brother. It is a lucky and wonderful spot to be in, in the order of family members. Just so you know, raising our children has been the most wonderful thing in my life second only to marrying Robin.
Some wisdom from me as I am now a year older, and the only one in the 40's (only till June though). Cherish life, don't waste your time, be happy, be friendly, enjoy other's company, take time alone and meditate, ponder and pray, share your thoughts with others that they might learn from your experiences, don't think you are better than anyone no matter what they do or how they live their life, choose right over wrong always, show your love for those you love, be true to your beliefs and convictions, strive to be better every day.
Those are the thoughts that came to me, most of which I try to do and be. I notice people that try to live these or other attributes. I can tell between people that are arogant or just don't care.
I appreciate you all, and love you,
Happy Birthday to me, and to you when it's your turn!
Some wisdom from me as I am now a year older, and the only one in the 40's (only till June though). Cherish life, don't waste your time, be happy, be friendly, enjoy other's company, take time alone and meditate, ponder and pray, share your thoughts with others that they might learn from your experiences, don't think you are better than anyone no matter what they do or how they live their life, choose right over wrong always, show your love for those you love, be true to your beliefs and convictions, strive to be better every day.
Those are the thoughts that came to me, most of which I try to do and be. I notice people that try to live these or other attributes. I can tell between people that are arogant or just don't care.
I appreciate you all, and love you,
Happy Birthday to me, and to you when it's your turn!
happy birthday sean
Dear 1st born: happy birthday!
you are so loved and looked up to by all of your siblings and famliy. I have always loved your cool personality and fun way about you. You are so smart and full of wisdom that I feel many people don't get to see your full potential. You have been there to support me my whole life and have always loved me no matter what my decisions and personality choices at the time. I will always charish the memories I have of all the fun trips we've taken to lakes, rivers, and dunes. The time you and I sat on top of some jumping rocks and just talked until we got the nerve to finally jump off will always be one of my favorites. You and Robin have created and raised 6 amazing kids who I love just as much as you. So here's to you on your day of birth!!!! I love you so much!

you are so loved and looked up to by all of your siblings and famliy. I have always loved your cool personality and fun way about you. You are so smart and full of wisdom that I feel many people don't get to see your full potential. You have been there to support me my whole life and have always loved me no matter what my decisions and personality choices at the time. I will always charish the memories I have of all the fun trips we've taken to lakes, rivers, and dunes. The time you and I sat on top of some jumping rocks and just talked until we got the nerve to finally jump off will always be one of my favorites. You and Robin have created and raised 6 amazing kids who I love just as much as you. So here's to you on your day of birth!!!! I love you so much!
Sorry this is a day late, but we were extremely busy sitting in 3 hours of traffic last night coming home from Jared and Heathers!
So this is a really fun memory! Mom and Dad rented this house in Big Bear from friends and invited some of us to go up and share it with them. Im pretty sure this is around March of 2005! We just had a little bit of snow so the kids made good use of it building a snowman and sledding! Jared, Heather, and I went up snowboarding and had tons of fun!
This is Braden, Zach, and Mitchel hangin out! Mitchel was such a cutey pie!

Tanner was so cute, especially in this pink outfit! Remember this rad blonde hair he had?

Me, Jar and Hez!

Grandma and Grandpa loving the grandkids! Look at sweet little Grace!

Loving the snow!
So this is a really fun memory! Mom and Dad rented this house in Big Bear from friends and invited some of us to go up and share it with them. Im pretty sure this is around March of 2005! We just had a little bit of snow so the kids made good use of it building a snowman and sledding! Jared, Heather, and I went up snowboarding and had tons of fun!
This is Braden, Zach, and Mitchel hangin out! Mitchel was such a cutey pie!
Tanner was so cute, especially in this pink outfit! Remember this rad blonde hair he had?
Me, Jar and Hez!
Grandma and Grandpa loving the grandkids! Look at sweet little Grace!
Loving the snow!
Reply-"Go Speed Racer"
Jase: You're a DORK! I understand that you are young and you like to speed. Ashley and I were the exact same way, but this car that you're driving is going to fall apart if you treat it like that. Especially turning a corner like that, you are going to ruin it!
Sean: Yes we all need to learn lessons in our own due time. He will learn once he grows up! I think that he must have a consequence for sure. Car restriction for a week! Just like I suggested when he made Rilee walk. I know it puts Robin and you out, but you need to drive him everywhere. He feel the embarrassment and will realize himself that he doesn't want that to happen again. That's what happened to us and I think it worked, until we did it again. So stupid I was.
Gordon says that he needs to paying for his own car insurance, he needs to pay for the ticket and for traffic school. AND if he doesn't have a job already he needs to get one. If he's old enough to drive and get tickets, then he's old enough to pay for it himself.
Sean: Yes we all need to learn lessons in our own due time. He will learn once he grows up! I think that he must have a consequence for sure. Car restriction for a week! Just like I suggested when he made Rilee walk. I know it puts Robin and you out, but you need to drive him everywhere. He feel the embarrassment and will realize himself that he doesn't want that to happen again. That's what happened to us and I think it worked, until we did it again. So stupid I was.
Gordon says that he needs to paying for his own car insurance, he needs to pay for the ticket and for traffic school. AND if he doesn't have a job already he needs to get one. If he's old enough to drive and get tickets, then he's old enough to pay for it himself.
Go speed racer!!!!!
Well, it happened. I don't think it suprised Robin or I, but Jase got a speeding ticket. Can you say Dumb! We warn, and warn, and explain, and warn, and explain, and beg, and get reports from others, and explain.....and he keeps speeding by. Well he got tagged by officer ticke giver yesterday going 47 in our neighborhood down the long curve. Robin and I drove there tonight and had a hard time getting to 47. Robin called the cop and talked to him tonight, and he explained that he really was going 47 and he could have arrested him and charged him. Luckely he gave him a civil citation that he can go to traffic school for and it won't show up on his record.
So, what do you do in a situation like this. He's a good kid. The officer even said so, but he just won't get it through his thick skull that we know things. I can't believe I was the same way!!! lol. Why do we do this as youngsters? We don't really listen to what those who have been through it before, and hear what they have to say. We don't take advantage of the experiences and the consequences that our elders went through. We have to experience some things on our own no matter what was said to us.
Really, please, share with me what we should do, how do we teach these lessons. Take the car away? how long? will that actually work? I resent ever being on restriction? Open for suggestions.
It probably doesnt' help that we have him driving a bright red car!
Hey, have a great week,
So, what do you do in a situation like this. He's a good kid. The officer even said so, but he just won't get it through his thick skull that we know things. I can't believe I was the same way!!! lol. Why do we do this as youngsters? We don't really listen to what those who have been through it before, and hear what they have to say. We don't take advantage of the experiences and the consequences that our elders went through. We have to experience some things on our own no matter what was said to us.
Really, please, share with me what we should do, how do we teach these lessons. Take the car away? how long? will that actually work? I resent ever being on restriction? Open for suggestions.
It probably doesnt' help that we have him driving a bright red car!
Hey, have a great week,
I hope!
I'm going to give you my quotes of the day on the blog. I've been posting them on FaceBook as well.
Todays quote..."Hope is no basis for a defense policy."Who said it?
Yesterday's quote...."Don't expect to build up the weak by pulling down the strong." Calvin Coolidge
I hope no one launches another missle......I hope no more pirates take ships and captains hostage......I hope Iran doesn't get a nuke......I hope......and so on and so on! The quote is so real, and so meaningful. Reagan said trust but verify. I say the same thing. And when they don't do whats right, smash em. If I were in charge, and N. Korea launched a missle and was told not to by the world, I would first blow it out of the air, right after it launched. Have my guns aimed 50 feet above the launch pad, and then destroy the launch pad. Of course I would warn them I was aiming, and I'd let the world know what I was going to do. I think they would think twice before pushint the damn button.
Just a thought.....I hope, what a bunch of crap!
Todays quote..."Hope is no basis for a defense policy."Who said it?
Yesterday's quote...."Don't expect to build up the weak by pulling down the strong." Calvin Coolidge
I hope no one launches another missle......I hope no more pirates take ships and captains hostage......I hope Iran doesn't get a nuke......I hope......and so on and so on! The quote is so real, and so meaningful. Reagan said trust but verify. I say the same thing. And when they don't do whats right, smash em. If I were in charge, and N. Korea launched a missle and was told not to by the world, I would first blow it out of the air, right after it launched. Have my guns aimed 50 feet above the launch pad, and then destroy the launch pad. Of course I would warn them I was aiming, and I'd let the world know what I was going to do. I think they would think twice before pushint the damn button.
Just a thought.....I hope, what a bunch of crap!
Sunday Fun-day
Mom and Dad started a great tradition of going to the Concert in the Parks in uptown Whittier. I remember having to go in High school and I hated it. I thought I was too cool for that. But as Ive grown older and continued to go every summer I have fell in love with it. Its a great way to get together as a family and enjoy the warm summer nights. The music is always great. Mom will usually get some good food, the kids go off to play and dance, and we go get an ice-cream treat! The grandkids have also fell in love with this tradition. Every time they get to go they have so much fun.
This picture is from about 3 years ago. Jared, Heather and kids came this time. We had fun climbing on Mr. Greenleaf and riding the wagon with grandma.
This picture is from about 3 years ago. Jared, Heather and kids came this time. We had fun climbing on Mr. Greenleaf and riding the wagon with grandma.
I think it's natural to be defensive to a point. If we weren't, it would mean that we don't really care about who we are or what happens to us in life. I definitely the Warner girls are more dominant than the boys, but again, it's more natural for females to be more emotional than males, so I feel pretty good. I'm just glad we care enough about each other to talk and though sometimes not pretty, hash things out. I think that's way more fun and interesting than just suppressing everything and pretending that everything is great and not really getting to know people for who they really are. Talking about the weather can only last so long. I'm grateful that we can sit around the dinner table and talk about anything, (and not just for the value of talking to grownups). I really do enjoy everyone's company and different opinions.
Am i really that defensive?
it was brought to my attention when i was talking to my good friend (cousin) Jeny Monson the other day, that us Warner kids can get VERY defensive. She wanted to tell me this because when we were on our 'girls trip,' me, ashley, jillian, and danielle seemed to get a little sensative when it came to what others said about us. The thing about us girls is that we would hear something, comment defensively back, really think about what the person said, and THEN we would realize it might be true, forgive (if needed), and move on. We leave each situation like that learning more about ourselves in a positive way.
Jeny on the other hand is such a non-sensative person when it comes to what others think about her and her family. She is sensative when it comes to things that are important to her, but she is a very strong person!
So my point is, well I dont know if I have a point. Im not sure why us kids are like this, but its not just the girls, its all 7 of us. Speaking for myself, i have realized that I need to take in what people might say to me without getting so defensive. Im not perfect and when people to say things that I feel are negative, I need to know that they love me and they are not saying it to put me down or make me feel bad.
Hope we can all work on this.
Thanks Jeny!
Jeny on the other hand is such a non-sensative person when it comes to what others think about her and her family. She is sensative when it comes to things that are important to her, but she is a very strong person!
So my point is, well I dont know if I have a point. Im not sure why us kids are like this, but its not just the girls, its all 7 of us. Speaking for myself, i have realized that I need to take in what people might say to me without getting so defensive. Im not perfect and when people to say things that I feel are negative, I need to know that they love me and they are not saying it to put me down or make me feel bad.
Hope we can all work on this.
Thanks Jeny!
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